The Social Coin

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Finished 16 / 05 / 2013
$ 11,395
$ 10,743
$ 16,007
220 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Social Coin

    We will send you a coin of the very first production. You will be able to start your own Pay It Forward!

    > 92 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Social Coin with a wallet

    We will send you a coin of the very first production with its packaging. It is ecological, reusable and it becomes a wallet! You will be able to start your own Pay It Forward!

    > 60 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Double pack

    We will send you two coins of the very first production with its packaging. It is ecological, reusable and it becomes a wallet! You will be able to start your own Pay It Forward with a friend!

    > 31 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109

    Special quotation

    Special quotation in the mapamundi of selfless actions that are developing + We will send you two coins of the very first production with its packaging. It is ecological, reusable and it becomes a wallet! You will be able to start your own Pay It Forward with a friend!

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 380

    100 coins for your company

    Do you work for an organization and want to start 100 pay it forward? This is your opportunity to change the world! + Infographics with the data of your coins, so you can show and share your impact in society

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,302

    200 coins and a dedicated website to monitor in real time

    Do you work for an organization and want to start 200 pay it forward? This is your opportunity to change the world!
    We also will give you a customized website where you will be able to follow the kindness acts in real time.

    > 02 Co-financiers

Tú lo has hecho posible

07 | 04 | 2013
Tú lo has hecho posible


Tan solo queremos agradecerte a ti, a ti que has contribuido entre 205 donantes a nuestro proyecto, el haberlo hecho realidad, ayudándonos a llegar y sobrepasar nuestro capital mínimo objetivo

Tan solo queremos decirte que después de estos 40 días de muchísimo pensar, empuje constante, difusión masiva y el corazón en un puño, tenemos ahora el corazón lleno, la imaginación volando, los ojos brillantes, los pies muy en la tierra y las manos llenas para llevar a cabo todo aquello que nos hemos propuesto y soñado con nuestro proyecto The Social Coin.

No hay palabras para agradecerte lo mucho que nos has ayudado, lo haremos con hechos.

Esperamos que muy pronto, un día cuando estés en algun lugar no muy lejano, alguien se acerque a ti, te ofrezca ayuda, te sorprenda o simplemente te haga la vida más fácil. Ese día podremos agradecerte tu ayuda, y nuestro sueño se habrá hecho realidad,

GRACIAS por hacerlo posible,

The Social Coin
Recibe, Ayuda, Comparte


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