The Social Coin

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Finished 16 / 05 / 2013
$ 11,220
$ 10,579
$ 15,762
220 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Social Coin

    We will send you a coin of the very first production. You will be able to start your own Pay It Forward!

    > 92 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Social Coin with a wallet

    We will send you a coin of the very first production with its packaging. It is ecological, reusable and it becomes a wallet! You will be able to start your own Pay It Forward!

    > 60 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Double pack

    We will send you two coins of the very first production with its packaging. It is ecological, reusable and it becomes a wallet! You will be able to start your own Pay It Forward with a friend!

    > 31 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 107

    Special quotation

    Special quotation in the mapamundi of selfless actions that are developing + We will send you two coins of the very first production with its packaging. It is ecological, reusable and it becomes a wallet! You will be able to start your own Pay It Forward with a friend!

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 374

    100 coins for your company

    Do you work for an organization and want to start 100 pay it forward? This is your opportunity to change the world! + Infographics with the data of your coins, so you can show and share your impact in society

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,282

    200 coins and a dedicated website to monitor in real time

    Do you work for an organization and want to start 200 pay it forward? This is your opportunity to change the world!
    We also will give you a customized website where you will be able to follow the kindness acts in real time.

    > 02 Co-financiers

Esto marcha! + Convocatoria

14 | 04 | 2013
Esto marcha! + Convocatoria

Querid@s amig@s!!

Esto acaba de empezar y ya no tiene freno!! En breve empezaremos a producir las primeras 5000 monedas con una pequeña empresa del Maresme que nos ha cuidado desde el inicio del proyecto, el material nos llega desde Italia la próxima semana y las 5000 semillas también! Esta primera tirada la ensamblaremos nosotros, con un largo taller que promete, mucho trabajo y sobretodo risas :)

Como sois una parte fundamental del proyecto, esta semana queremos charlar con TODOS VOSOTROS. Por eso os invitamos a una videoconferencia en la que vais a poder participar mediante las redes sociales. Os apuntáis??
Recibiréis más noticias durante la semana.

Estamos ansiosos por tener las monedas, pues una vez estén en nuestras manos os invitaremos a tod@s a un gran acontecimiento: La ceremonia de entrega de las monedas más importantes: ¡las vuestras! Así que seguimos con mucha fuerza y alegría en esta etapa tan productiva, para muy pronto poder daros una gran sorpresa,

muchas gracias y hasta pronto!!


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