Social, Environmental & Sustainable International Project

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Filed on 08 / 05 / 2019
£ 1,530
£ 12,631
£ 25,262
11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17


    You are signing up for one day activities, organised during the European Sustainable Development Week 30 may - 5 june. These are in-person courses with a duration of 8 hours, based on the practice of Environmental Education activities. In the month of April we will send via e-mail the calendar of the proposed courses, you will be able to choose the course that most captures your attention.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 29

    • WORKSHOP LAND-ART km0 > 1 day

    You are signing up for a daily course, where we will make land-art works using several materials at km0. In the month of April we will send via e-mail the calendar of the proposed courses, you will be able to choose the course that most captures your attention and for which you have availability in the months of May-June-July. Food and accommodation included.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 59


    You are signing up for a weekend course in making interactive gardens with the use of different materials and plants, applying some permaculture concept. In the month of April we will send via e-mail the calendar of the proposed courses, you will be able to choose the course that most captures your attention and for which you have availability in the months of May-June-July. Food and lodging included.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 118

    • TICKET OWN SPIRIT FESTIVAL 2019 (24-29 July 2019 - Baldellou) - phase V (16 Mar to 01 June) > including support donation 20%

    Get 1 entry to the Own Spirit Festival through the Crowdfunding channel -respecting the different purchase offert phases- of the Own Spirit Festival (24-29 July 2019, Baldellou), contributing and supporting our project of environmental rehabilitation of our place through an support donation, corresponding to 20% extra to support our Own Spirit LAND DESIGN mission. You will receive an email with all the explanations regarding ticket collection.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 152


    You're signing up for a 3-day Bioconstruction course. You will learn from scratch how to handle natural materials such as Bamboo, Arundo donax, Wood, learning specific bio-construction techniques, to the realization of a semi-permanent organic structure.
    In the month of April we will send via e-mail the calendar of proposed courses, you will be able to choose the course that most captures your attention and for which you have availability in the months of May-June-July. Food and lodging included.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 211


    You're signing up for a 5-day Bioconstruction course. You will learn from scratch how to handle natural materials such as Bamboo, Arundo donax, Wood, learning specific bio-construction techniques, to the realization of a semi-permanent organic structure.
    In the month of April we will send via e-mail the calendar of proposed courses, you will be able to choose the course that most captures your attention and for which you have availability in the months of May-June-July. Food and lodging included.

    > 00 Co-financiers

Taller de Bioconstruccion en Fibres Vegetales • 5 días

02 | 04 | 2019
Taller de Bioconstruccion en Fibres Vegetales • 5 días

• TIPO DE CURSO • Aprenderás desde cero a manejar materiales naturales como Bambú y caña mediterranea 'Arundo donax', aprendiendo una técnica de bioconstrucción específica hasta la realización de una estructura orgánica semi-permanente que se enriquezerà tambien de suporte del mundo vegetal.

• DOCENTES • Margherita Bertoli y Bijaya Silvestri se conocieron durante los años de desarrollo del método #CanyaViva entre España y Italia, un método dirigido por Jonathan Cory-Wright sobre el uso exclusivo de la caña mediterranea, montando escenario efimeros para festivales en todas europa.

El background de las dos nel mundo del arte y mundo vegetal, aplicado por el mundo de las fibras vegetales orgánicas las han llevadas a profundizar sus conocimientos con materiales como el bambú, la caña "Arundo donax" creando su proprio estilo artistico organico. Manejan diferentes técnicas de bioconstrucción, combinando las estructuras organicas con el mundo vegetal, creando obras y esculturas de land-art organicas.

• ORGANIZADORES • Canya Viva Italia / Paisajista Bijaya Silvestri

• FECHAS • viernes 5 / martes 9 - Julio - 2019

• HORARIOS CURSO • 9:00 - 19:00 horas

• UBICACIÓN CURSOS • 'Own Spirit Festival' en Google Maps

• PRECIO • 250 € > comida y alojamiento (camping; duchas; baño seco) incluido

• PLAZAS LIMITADAS • mínimo 8 - máximo 18


• MÁS INFO • Para cualquier información, no dude en contactarnos >

••• Mantente en contacto con Own Spirit Land para ir actualizado sobre los cursos •••


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