Finished 02 / 01 / 2019
£ 9,751
£ 6,736
£ 12,631
321 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    Recognition of your contribution

    We thank you very much for your contribution to be able to pay the legal claim against the irregularities of the Macromuelle de Agaete project! You will receive an acknowledgment email.

    > 79 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 21

    Public acknowledgment of your contribution

    We thank you very much for your contribution to be able to pay the legal claim against the irregularities of the Macromuelle de Agaete project! In addition to the recognition email you will appear on the public thank-you poster on social networks (poster in jpeg).

    > 71 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Personalized diploma as a savior of Agaete without MacroMuelle

    Besides the public recognition in social networks (poster in jpeg) you will receive a diploma designed with your name as savior of Agaete without MacroMuelle, you can print it out and stick it on your fridge ;)

    > 40 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84

    Personalized diploma as savior of Agaete without MacroMuelle + cotton bag with exclusive design

    In addition to all the acknowledgments of the world both publicly and privately with your digital saviour diploma, you will receive a cotton bag from Save Agaete with an exclusive design of the artist Lia Ateca.

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84

    Support ACTIVIST

    If in an assembly of your association, collective, business, company or group of friends you have joined together to make a joint donation and support the legal cause, we will include you with the rest of the allies of the legal process. Thank you!

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 211

    visit to farms + cotton bag with exclusive design

    Guided tour in a agaete farm including tasting of products. Wine tasting, with cheese and toasted bread; and coffee with cake; including a guided tour of the finca, you will receive a cotton bag from Save Agaete with an exclusive design of the artist Lia Ateca.

    > 00 Co-financiers

Ya estamos en el JUZGADO

27 | 11 | 2018
Ya estamos en el JUZGADO

Sumando apoyos de decenas de miles de ciudadan@s ya estamos en el JUZGADO. Desde la pasada semana hemos emprendido acciones legales y comenzado con una campaña de crowdfundig en con el fin de hacer frente a un proyecto que no responde al interés general y que atentan contra el patrimonio de tod@s.
El pasado día 21 se dió entrada a la primera demanda. Escrito de interposición de acciónes CONTENCIOSO-ADMINISTRATIVO contra la Resolución del Presidente del Ente Público Empresarial Puertos Canarios, de 6
de junio de 2018.

Seguiremos informando...
Junt@s lo vamos a parar!!


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