RättBuss vill fortsätta rulla!

Finished 20 / 08 / 2017
$ 8,861
$ 8,488
$ 13,323
79 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5

    Glittering warm thoughts + horizon

    We look across the horizon and send you a glittery warm thought - magical

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Name shouted in jar

    We shout your name in a jar and bring the jar on our trip. We'll mark your name with a pretty piece of tape! Let your name echo through Europe!

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21

    Rear mirror-decorations

    We print a picture of you and hang it from the inside rear mirror of the new bus. Oh how pretty the front of the bus will be!

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27


    The classic tourist image will reach you while we create new ones. We mail a postcard to you from the trip and send our love.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Tote bag!

    An exclusive tote bag from RättBuss will be yours

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 38

    Message in a bottle

    We send a message in a bottle from a well chosen beach strip - in the bottle we'll leave your namne and contact information. Vóila, new friends for you!

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    A digital hello!

    Thank you! For 50 euro you'll get everything above plus your name on a Facebook-post where we gladly thank you.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 107

    A personal video-hello!

    Thank you! For 100 euro we'll send you a personal video-message from one of the destinations of the Europe-tour.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 269

    Test drive our veteran bus!

    Drive our veteran bus for an hour in a safe enclosed location (in Stockholm) with our expert driver Peter coaching you! NOTE - no prior bus-driving experience needed.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 537

    Guaranteed place on the trip!

    Be the first to get a place on the Euro trip and become a VIP (Very Interesting Person). For 500 euro you'll have a seat on the bus for the Europe-tour 2018. Be ready for an unique experience you'll never forget! But hurry up - only three seats available on this campaign.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,074

    A night of party!

    We pick you up (Stockholm area) in our veteran bus and drive you around (or to a location) and give you a night of glittery fun, curated playlist and bar optional but recommended! Suits perfect for a company's afterwork, or for a group of friends celebrating something big (or small)!

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

After a tragic malfunction we are left without a bus – we need a new one, so we can once again fill it with music, art, activism, party and a new way to look at travel.

Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Buying bus
Actually buying the bus
$ 6,769
Renovating "pimp" the bus
Making it everybodys bus! Bar, library, fabrics, flowers, colour, speakers ect.
$ 1,719
A better bus
The more money we have to spend on a bus, the better it will be and the longer it will run.
$ 4,835
Total $ 8,488 $ 13,323

General information

RättBuss has since 2010 been a mobile room for culture, alternative travel, collectivism, party, activism and karaoke – and that place you didn’t think existed. Through the years we’ve hosted bus performances, protests, and cinemas. We’ve travelled to festivals and on board we’ve had a library and a bar.

The ”Upper class safari” was one of our first projects where we together with the political organization “allt åt alla” took a closer, critical look at the upper class.
During a city tour at Umeå Littfest 2016, while examining what culture got to take place at the ”Culture capital of the year”, we were suddenly halted. The engine cut and the wheel bars had already been attacked by rust. Our ”RättBuss” was now declared dead.

Now we want to explore new horizons with a new set of wheels and new content based on everything we’ve learned and the people we’ve been fortunate enough to meet and collaborate with during the years. With a new bus and a new ”Alternative charter” we’re building a new movement forward.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

During the summer of 2018 we want to organize an epic Euro trip! With a new bus that will be as awesome as the previous one – at least! We’ll buy the bus at the beginning of 2018, then decorate and fix it so it will be a wonderful dream, ready for a new adventure in the summer. We want to go on a chartered trip – but not at all! We want to explore a new way of travelling together – an alternative charter. Together with local actors, cultural events on board, workshops, conversations and meticulous hunt for hidden gems the journey makes the world more connected.
We’ll craft the trip like a festival programme based on our passions, collaborations and with an alternative perspective on the tourist’s gaze.
Can’t join us on the trip? Fear not! We will document our journey and save a time capsule of fresh thinking, revolt, collaboration and pure bliss.

Why this is important

Destinations are today a product, a polished surface that’s being sold to the tourist. We’re getting further away from seeing ourselves in relation to the people, culture and nature that exists in the places we visit. We’re only there to consume the image that being presented to us in the brochure. SHOP! EAT! LIVE! SEE! A varnish, that we know not to be true, is created - municipalities as brands – to attract the ”right” citizens.
We want to do something else. We believe we need to visit places for real when we travel, to put ourselves in relation to the location and the people we meet. To experience the issues, but also see the beauty that exist outside of the glossy brochures. An alternative look at the small and big things, because our world is not a smorgasbord free to consume for most of us. To prove that another way to travel is possible – that’s why we need an Alternative charter.

Rättbuss has been active in fair city planning, LGBT-activism, spreading knowledge, promoting the right to a place to live, all while promoting a varied and inclusive cultural life – things we are passionate about, believe in, and will continue to imprint on in the programme for the trip.

Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

We want funds to buy a new bus that, during spring 2018, will get a RättBuss-makeover! The goal is also to use the bus in 2018 to go on a Europe tour to continue to spread culture, joy and bridges between communities and people. In the long run, the goal is to continue to work with the bus and use it to more activities and tours.

Team and experience

Our team consists of Sara Bredberg, Peter Oijens, Ebba Kulneff och Valentina Bender.
In 2017, we are running a combined miniature culture house/bar at Skå Festplats in our old RättBuss, as well as conducting rental traffic in the Mälardalen area with our wonderful golden veteran bus.

Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Gender Equality

    Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.