Parque Ecológico Andino

Filed on 14 / 01 / 2017
£ 447
£ 4,587
£ 9,173
7 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    A heartfelt Thank You

    The entire team of Tarpurisunchis thanks you from all of their heart

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    A personalized digital photo

    We’ll send you a personalized digital photo taken in the vicinity of Abancay where we personally thank you for your support in Quechua (native language of the region) and in your lenguage.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 34

    Bookmark + Personalized digital photo

    You’ll receive a Bookmark from the Parque Ecologico Andino and a personalized digital photo (see above)

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 68

    Interactive DVD produced by Tarpurisunchis concerning ecological agriculture

    You’ll receive an interactive DVD produced by Tarpurisuchis concerning ecological agriculture

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 85

    Your name on a plaque in the Parque Ecologico Andino + A kids story “the secret of Buen vivir”

    Your name will be engraved on a Plaque which will be hung in the Parque Ecologico Andino. Furthermore you’ll receive a copy of the kid story “the secret of Buen Vivir”, written in two languages: Spanish and Quechua

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 169

    You’ll receive all of the above

    You'll receive at home: Interactive DVD, a bookmarker and the kids story "The Secret of Buen Vivir", in addition to your name in a plaque in the Parque Ecológico Andino and a personalized digital photo.

    > 01 Co-financiers

About this project

With the construction of the ‘Parque Ecologico Andino’ we aim to create a space where kids can learn with passion and gain awareness about the value of our planet.

Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
The construction of the unit concerning Traditional Handcrafts, one of five units of the Parque Ecologico Andino
£ 4,227
Finishing construction
Finishing construction on the inside as well as the outside + Electricity network + Water supply
£ 1,352
Needs Task Minimum Optimum
Gastos de gestión
Costs Goteo + Transaction Fees + Commissions Banks + Campaign Costs
£ 360
Implementation of the project
Labour costs. For the construction + campaign costs + administrative costs
£ 1,183
Administrative Costs
Costs Goteo + Transaction Fees + Commissions Banks
£ 360
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Furniture needed for the units and the activities
£ 845
Technical Equipment and provisions
Computers and other audiovisual equipment needed for the funcioning of the unit
£ 845
Total £ 4,587 £ 9,173

General information

The Park will be a place where kids and teens can learn in an interactive and alternative way about the environment and indigenous knowledge systems. As in the future, it will be them who’ll be on the forefront of local and regional development processes.
The park will consist of five different units, each of these focusing on a different subject. Firstly there’s the unit “Madre Tierra” which will teach visitors all about biodiversity, climate change and environmental risks. Secondly, there will be a unit which is all about the raising and breeding of small animals The third unit focuses on recycling and alternative ways of consumption. Another unit will focus on different types of sustainable ecological agriculture. Finally there will be a unit that’s entirely dedicated to revaluing traditional Andean handcrafts in our society.
Our region of Apurímac is situated in the southern part of the Peruvian Andes with an altitude between 2000 and 4000m. The population of Apurímac is mainly active in agriculture and the raising of cattle. However during the last couple of years the region has been affected by climate change and a significant growth of major mining activity and the introduction of new technologies that aren’t well adapted to our environment.
That’s why we need new initiatives that raise awareness about the ecological challenges that are facing our environment today.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

With this support we’re going to build the unit that’s dedicated to revaluing our handcrafts. Here kids will be introduced to the world of traditional Andean handcrafts. They’ll be able to learn about native and medical plants and about handcrafts on itself. Thanks to this they’ll gain greater awareness about production processes on a small or medium scale, accustomed to the real needs of the consumer. Meanwhile they’ll see how you can make creams and infusions from medicnal plants. By doing this we’ll be simultaneous building their capacities to get started on their own as raising awareness about our own culture and environment.


Why this is important

This program came to us as a consequence of a bunch of meetings and workshops we organized with our own team and our partners. Furthermore, during the years we’ve been working here, we’ve learned about the challenges and necessities of our region.
Some time ago we organized a workshop with local and regional authorities identifying the problems and challenges of our region, as well as four workshops on the provincial level. In all of these the challenges facing the environment always came up as one of the central themes.
For the last eight years we’re supporting local environmentalist youth movements, and helping them with the production of audiovisual and interactive material they needed for their campaigns.
The Park is aimed at the students of our own school of Tapurisunchis (who’ll be using it three days a week) and at the students of all the other schools of our region and their families (for whom it will be open the other four days of the week). The environmentalist youth movements will also be able to make use of our park.


Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

With this crowdfunding campaing we’re aiming to finish the construction of the unit dedicated to traditional handcrafts of the Parque Ecologico Andino. This park will contribute to an alternative form of development, that of Buen Vivir (the good life), which joins the best of the indigenous Andean traditions and the best of modern developments in technology.


Team and experience

Tarpurisunchis (let’s sow! In Quechua) consists of two parts that complement this project. On the one hand there’s the school with a strong team which consists of teachers specialized in ecological and alternative ways of teaching. On the other hand there’s the team that works on our projects. With this team we develop a variety of activities and processes aimed at the population of Apurímac.
Among the projects we’ve worked at during the last couple of years there’s the project Atisumni (Yes we can! In Quechua) and the reformation of regional educational policies. With Atisumni we’re training and local authorities and leaders with the aim of strengthening social organizations in the 7 provinces of Apurímac.
Furthermore with the reform of educational policies we train teachers and are working on reappraising the language Quechua and its culture in all schools of our region.

Social commitment