Solidarity menus for Ukraine

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Finished 24 / 05 / 2022
$ 16,563
$ 5,610
$ 11,220
133 Co-financiers
Matchfunding Agents
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Completado ($ 1,069)
  • Contributing $ 13

    Every contribution counts

    With this donation you contribute to a person's three basic meals for one day.

    "Remember that this contribution is tax deductible. By donating €12, you get €9.6 back and your actual expenditure would remain at €2.40".

    (* Important This tax relief does not apply outside Spain, nor does it apply to the Basque Country or Navarre, which maintain a deduction of 30% and 25% respectively of the total contribution).

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 26


    With this donation you are helping a family of six to receive a first hot meal after several hours' journey from Ukraine.

    "Remember that this contribution is tax deductible. By donating €24, the tax authorities will refund you €19.2 and your actual expenditure will remain at €4.80".

    (* Important This tax relief does not apply outside Spain, nor does it apply to the Basque Country and Navarre, which maintain a deduction of 30% and 25% respectively of the total contribution).

    > 29 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 56


    Your donation will guarantee initial food assistance to 13 people arriving at the borders.

    "Remember that this contribution is tax deductible. By donating 52 € Hacienda will give you back 41,6 and your actual expenditure will remain 10,399 €".

    (* Important This tax relief does not apply outside Spain, nor to the Basque Country and Navarre, which maintain a deduction of 30% and 25% respectively of the total amount contributed)

    > 33 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 107

    Very good!

    With this amount you contribute the equivalent of 25 solidarity menus.

    "Remember that this contribution is tax deductible. By donating €100, the Treasury will give you back €80 and your actual expenditure will remain at €20.

    (* Important This tax relief does not apply outside Spain, nor to the Basque Country and Navarre, which maintain a deduction of 30% and 25% respectively of the total amount contributed)

    > 24 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 162

    You're great!

    Do you know that many of the people fleeing Ukraine are organising themselves to go in groups for their safety? With this donation you guarantee the care of 38 people.

    "Remember that this contribution is tax deductible. By donating 152 € your actual expenditure would remain 31,29 €".

    (* Important This tax relief does not apply outside Spain, nor to the Basque Country and Navarre, which maintain a deduction of 30% and 25% respectively of the total amount contributed)

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 534

    Our applause goes to you!

    With this money World Central Kitchen will give out 125 full menus!

    "Remember that this contribution is tax deductible. By donating 500 € the tax authorities will give you back 242,5 € and your actual expenditure will remain 257,5 €".

    (* Important This tax relief does not apply outside Spain, nor does it apply to the Basque Country or Navarre, which maintain a deduction of 30% and 25% respectively of the total amount contributed).

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,069

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    Thanks to you 250 people will be able to have their first hot meal covered after many hours on the road.

    "Remember that this contribution is tax deductible. By donating 1.000 € Hacienda will give you back 417,5 and your real expenses will remain 582,5 €".

    (* Important This tax relief does not apply outside Spain, nor does it apply to the Basque Country or Navarre, which maintain a deduction of 30% and 25% respectively of the total amount contributed).

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,206

    750 thank you!

    Around 40,000 refugees arrive in Poland every day. With this contribution you guarantee food supplies for 750, 750 women or children who arrive exhausted after several days of travel.

    "Remember that this contribution is tax deductible. By donating €3,000, the tax authorities will refund you €1,117.5 and your actual expenditure will remain at €1882.5".

    (* Important This tax relief does not apply outside Spain, nor does it apply to the Basque Country or Navarre, which maintain a deduction of 30% and 25% respectively of the total contribution).

    > 00 Co-financiers

Estudiantes de la UCM impulsan una campaña de crowdfunding para ayudar a las personas refugiadas de Ucrania

17 | 03 | 2022
Estudiantes de la UCM impulsan una campaña de crowdfunding para ayudar a las personas refugiadas de Ucrania

Estudiantes del máster en Dirección de Fundraising público y privado para organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro, de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, han impulsado una campaña de captación de fondos en colaboración con la ONG del chef José Andrés, World Central Kitchen (WCK), para dar apoyo en la distribución de alimentos que realiza en las fronteras con Ucrania.

La campaña está activa en la plataforma de crowdfunding Goteo Menús solidarios y se han marcado como objetivo final recaudar 10.000 euros, con los que se podrá ofrecer una comida caliente a 2.500 personas, ya que cada menú cuesta unos 4 euros aproximadamente.

Las alumnas del máster, con experiencia en todos los sectores: empresas privadas y administración pública, entidades sociales del Tercer Sector y emprendedoras, cuentan para esta campaña, que en una primera ronda estará en marcha hasta el 25 de abril, con la colaboración de la cátedra de Transformación Social Competitiva y la Fundación general de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, así como con Mauricio O’Brien, asesor de relaciones institucionales en proyectos europeos vinculados al crowdfunding cívico.

Toda ayuda es poca, ya que más de tres millones de personas de Ucrania, sobre todo mujeres con menores, se han visto obligadas a abandonar su país y cruzar las fronteras para ponerse a salvo de la guerra. Han salido con muy pocos enseres personales y sin apenas recursos. Dejan una vida atrás y llegan a otro país donde poder resguardarse.

“Esta campaña pretende dar apoyo en esta crisis humanitaria, con una recaudación para que a las personas refugiadas no les falte esa atención básica”, explican. “Queremos. ayudar a financiar esa primera ayuda humanitaria que necesitan. Un plato de comida caliente que les ofrece la ONG del Chef José Andrés, World Central Kitchen, que a las pocas horas de la invasión se instaló en los ocho cruces fronterizos con Polonia”.

En la actualidad la ONG distribuye alimentos nutritivos y comidas recién hechas en toda la región, incluyendo Ucrania, Polonia, Hungría, Moldavia y Rumania. Además de la cocina de emergencia de WCK, trabajan con restaurantes locales, empresas de catering y camiones de comida para proporcionar comidas reconfortantes en los cruces fronterizos, refugios y otros lugares a lo largo del viaje.


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