Lua desea nacer en casa

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Finished 11 / 06 / 2019
£ 2,109
£ 1,925
£ 2,139
56 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 9

    Impresión artística de la placenta

    Realizaremos sobre lienzo un trabajo artístico con la placenta de Lua. El resultado será fotografiado con amor y reproducido en láminas tamaño A4. Envío incluido.
    Perfecta pieza que simboliza el verdadero árbol de la vida.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 9

    Arte de Anet Ciesielska

    Anet, tatuadora y artista visual nos cede sus diseños para enviártelos en formato dinA-4.
    ¿Cuál quieres colgar en tu pared?
    Aquí su Instagram: una vez escogido envía un mensaje a su cuenta refiriéndote a tu cofinanciación en este proyecto con nombre y dirección.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 9

    Arte de Magia Trece

    Magia Trece, stencil artist e ilustradora nos cede sus diseños para enviártelos en formato dinA-4.
    ¿Cuál quieres colgar en tu pared?
    Aquí su Instagram: una vez escogido envía un mensaje a su cuenta refiriéndote a tu cofinanciación en este proyecto con nombre y dirección.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 13


    ¿Preparando las vacaciones de verano? Para esos trayectos largos ya sea en avión, barco, coche, tren... se necesitan diferentes distracciones para los más peques. Si es así...
    ¡No dudes en escoger esta recompensa! Por un lado pintan con rotuladores, por el otro con tizas :)
    Es un buen aliado para los viajes y además también promueve su motricidad fina y su inteligencia artística.
    Si quieres conocer más diseños no te pierdas su instagram:
    Envío incluido.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Bolso árbol de la vida

    Realizaremos sobre lienzo un trabajo artístico con la placenta de Lua. El resultado será serigrafiado con amor sobre bolsos de tela. Envío incluido.
    Perfecta pieza que simboliza el verdadero árbol de la vida. Perfecto complemento para tus compras ;)

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 21

    Arte de Noctiluca

    Noctiluca realiza maravillosas obras a metal, para adornar nuestros cuerpos. Escoge de su página de fb
    una de sus maravillosas piezas.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 21

    Asesoría alimentación infantil de Cor&Cor

    ¿Quieres saber más acerca de la alimentación de tu hijx? Cuando dejar los triturados, con qué empezar a alimentarlx desupés de la leche materna... !Entonces éste es tu taller, además personalizado!
    Taller online sobre alimentación BLW o triturados (teléfono, videollamada, lo que le vaya mejor a la familia) + material de soporte para consultas + resolución de dudas post taller por WhatsApp.
    Si quieres más info acerca de Cor&Cor no dudes en visitar su página de Fb:
    Worldwide en castellano/catalán.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 26

    Cuadro pintado a mano de Michi Hash

    Cuadro tamaño dinA-4 con marco, pintado a mano, hecho con muchísimo amor y que eleva la causa.
    Título: Roseuniverse
    Podéis encontrar más aquí:

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 26

    Cuadro pintado a mano de Michi Hash

    Cuadro tamaño dinA-4 con marco, pintado a mano, hecho con muchísimo amor y que eleva la causa.
    Título: The butterfly flying above a flower field view from a drone....
    Podéis encontrar más aquí:

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 51

    Sesión técnica RAINDROP® con Lidia Ullate

    Técnica de cuidado y mejora personal inspirada en los indios Lakota y los aromas de la naturaleza. Gracias a los aceites YL y a unas manipulaciones sutiles en pies y espalda se consiguen reequilibrar todos los cuerpos, físico y energéticos.

    Beneficios: reduce la fatiga crónica/reduce el dolor y la inflamación/experimentar tiempo holístico/reduce la ansiedad/favorece el sueño reparador/estimula el funcionamiento del sistema inmunológico/facilita la liberación de la densidad emocional del subconsciente

    Duración: 1h 30min
    En Tarragona o Barcelona.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 51

    Aportació de la Caseta de L'arbre

    Pack amb 10 tovalloletes de bambú, collar d àmbar i motlle per les petjades del baby.
    Si voleu trobar més articles no dubteu en visitar la web:

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 60

    Sesión de Acupuntura o Terapia Neural

    Nuestras matronas, además son sabedoras de medicina china. Ofrecen esta gran oportunidad, una sesión de ACUPUNTURA o TERAPIA NEURAL en su centro Anam Cara de Barcelona.
    ¿Te la vas a perder?

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 68


    ¿Te gusta la poesía? ¿Te gustaría sumergirte en las palabras, escucharlas desde una voz potencialmente calibrada, mordaz e insinuante?
    Pues esta es tu recompensa. Una hora de la poesía más fémina directa a dónde tu escojas.
    Si te encuentras fuera de la provincia de Tarragona, el desplazamiento corre de tu parte, pero es posible ;)
    Si quieres degustar un poco antes de escoger esta recompensa entra en el link:

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 86

    Fotografía artística de la placenta 30x40

    Realizaremos sobre lienzo un trabajo artístico con la placenta de Lua. El resultado será fotografiado con amor y reproducido en láminas tamaño 30x40. Marco y envío incluidos.
    Perfecta pieza que simboliza el verdadero árbol de la vida.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 128

    Retrato familiar

    Retrato familiar + sesión fotográfica digital
    Me encantaría retratarte a ti y a tu familia y darte el regalo de colgarlo en tu pared.

    Incluye sesión fotográfica escogida por ti.

    Sólo Barcelona y Reus.
    Tamaño 30x40.
    Marco y envío incluidos.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing

    > 01 Co-financiers

About this project

For a fully respected delivery

Needs Infrastructure Minimum Optimum
Midwifers of La Flor de la Vida
Profesional midwifers, they are gonna guide us to get birth at home.
£ 1,711
Input to
The platforms gets this price for the services.
£ 128
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Various materials
We need utensils: blankets, towels, plastics, carpets, pilates ball, gauze ...
£ 86
Super Rewards
The best quality for your rewards, photos, paper and marks.
£ 214
Total £ 1,925 £ 2,139

General information

Welcome to Lua's first project. As a united family, we want to make our dream come true, and we believe that it is precisely neither unfair nor unreasonable.

We live in a society in which women are taught to give birth in the hospital. Where they tell us that this is the best option and the lowest risk. In contrast, the experience we had with our first daughter was not such, and if you want more details do not hesitate to read this post.

For that reason, after the trauma that caused the separation for five days with our little India, we decided that this time we were going to give birth at home. I say this time because with the first one we were planning to give birth at home, the problem arises when the system does not contemplate the expenses of this management and the family has to look for money where there is none (yes, we are a family of workers paying rent in Barcelona ... you can imagine).

How did we get here? With time, as a mother, I started to investigate, curiosity about what happened with India could ... So I came across the term obstetric violence, and that was when I realized that I was not the only one, nor I will be the last to suffer the calamities of a precarious health system. I do not want to label only the public ... because there is too much information from both women and professionals that guarantee that these calamities are also experienced in the private health system (even though they are more violent in this).

Then my question was transformed into something deeper ... how we have come to the omission of the most important and personal moment of the woman and her baby? This is where the interesting starts. It turns out that we, women, we used to gather together to give birth. We were tribe, we knew our bodies and their reach. All that knowledge was erased through a powerful social movement in which fear was given impulse, in this way women who possessed the necessary knowledge to empower others were erased from the map (luckily not all of them). And the current medical system was implemented. Where a pregnant woman changes from a healthy woman to a patient. Where his desires are not heard and his physique is manipulated without shame to take the creature from within. Luckily, not all professionals have the level of non-sensibility necessary to be part of this system.

This is where we find educated matrons, aware of those ancestral rituals and the most up-to-date scientific study about birth. I give thanks for their existence. And thank you for your beautiful vocation. In this way, women like me, who have suffered from a badly attended delivery in the hospital, or awake women who so wish, can give birth at home, with calm, tranquility and the feeling of comfort that brings them your home.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Get birth at home is first and foremost a decision. A decision made by the woman, and also by her family. Once you have reached this point, it is time to learn about the possibilities in your local environment.

For this the most important thing is to know how long the nearest hospital is (in case of emergencies) and choose the right team of professionals to attend the wonderful event of birth.

How to know who are the indicated ones? This decision has many variables: qualifications, experience, proximity, retribution ... For us, the crucial was the feeling. Being such an intimate moment, it is important that you feel comfortable with the people around you.

We have chosen the midwives of La Flor de la Vida, Chiara & Gaia. Friendly twins with the same vocation that have made us feel that we can from the first moment.

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Why this is important

This project is aimed above all at relatives of the family. People who know us, who know how we are. Some already knew the history of India's arrival, others did not. It is normal, in general, these experiences usually keep them for the deepest intimacy, because they suppose too powerful feelings to be able to be expressed in a moment as magical and fragile as the arrival of your first baby.

Hence the importance of coming out of the closet. To express and seek creative solutions to the problems that afflict us. For us a second hospital birth involves a whole world (memories are activated in our brain that the same thing will happen, even if it does not end up being that way).

With this scenario we decided to act, solve from the harmony and accept with decision and courage the fact of giving birth at home. We know it will be an event that we will remember throughout our lives, so if you are part of the project, you will be a great contribution to a moment of vital importance for the family, and we will be grateful for life.

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Team and experience

Previous experience we do not have. It is our first home birth. We have studied a lot, read, observed and channeled that it is not an easy step and that it also involves taking risks, but we are prepared. We know it will be worth it.

Contamos con el expertísimo equipo de La Flor de la Vida y sobretodo con tu apoyo financiero.

Thank you.

interesting bibliographies on the subject:

Oxytocin, Kerstin Uvnas Moberg.
Childbirth and the Future of Homo Sapiens, Michel Odent.

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Social commitment