Aller Simple

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Finished 09 / 10 / 2021
$ 9,133
$ 6,964
$ 11,061
112 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    A hug and your name in the credits

    You will be entitled to a big hug (face-to-face or from a distance) from the entire team. Also, your name will appear in the credits , so it will be read by millions of viewers who will enjoy Aller Simple through online platforms and festivals.

    • Your actual spending will be € 2 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 8 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Link to the movie

    In addition to the hug and thanks in the credits, we will send you the link to the movie so that you can watch it non-stop (or go straight to the end credits to show everyone your participation!).

    • Your actual spending will be € 5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 20 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 32 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Script in pdf

    In addition to all of the above, we will send you our eternal thanks and the PDF of the Aller Simple script, signed by their authors (if you don't speak French, that will be the excuse to start!).

    • Your actual spending will be € 10 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 40 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109

    Invitation to the preview

    In addition to all of the above, we will invite you to attend the preview (in Tolouse or in Barcelona ), to see the movie on the big screen, meet our fabulous team and eat peanuts while we talk about movies.

    • Your actual expenditure will be € 20 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 80 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 218

    Movie poster

    In addition to all of the above, one day not too far away you will find the magnificent poster for Aller Simple (designed by the great Tristan Houllemare and signed by the entire team).

    • Your actual spending will be € 62.5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 137.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 327

    Mysterious USB memory stick

    In addition to all the above, one day you will receive a mysterious USB memory stick with the movie, the making of, souvenir photos and many GB of kisses.

    • Your actual spending will be € 127.5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 172.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 436

    DVD of “Aller Simple”

    In addition to all the above, you will receive the Aller Simple DVD , recorded on a film by Nicolas Cage (a unique item that will increase in value over the years and pay off your children's mortgage!).

    • Your actual expenditure will be € 192.5 if donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 207.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 545

    Associated producers

    In addition to all of the above, you will appear in the film credits as associate producers (don't be surprised if in a few weeks Stanley Kubrick's manager calls you).

    • Your actual spending will be € 257.5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 242.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 02 Co-financiers

7.000 gràcies, merci, thanks, gracias, grazie!!

30 | 08 | 2021


🎥 CATALÀ 🎥 Bon dia mecenes, esperem que esteu bé i que tot vagi bé. Avui comencem la segona ronda del crowdfunding. A la primera hem aconseguit 7.000 euros clavats de 97 cofinançadors/es. GRÀCIES INFINITES PER LA VOSTRA GENEROSITAT!¡ Amb això hem pogut finançar les despeses que teníem previstes, ja us les passarem desglossades.

El balanç és molt positiu, estem exhaustes però molt contents i amb ganes de començar el muntatge. Amb tot, hem tingut moltes dificultats: hem hagut de rodar una setmana addicional, una nit ens van robar l’equip electrògen que havíem llogat… Total, se’ns ha disparat molt el pressupost…. Per això, ara ens posarem les piles per fer una bona campanya i mirar d’aconseguir més finançament en els 40 dies que encara ens queden. El necessitem per saldar deutes i per a la post-producció i difusió del curt. Ja us en tindrem informats.

Us adjuntem una galeria de fotos del rodatge perquè veieu què hem estat fent.

El Robert i tot l’equip d’Aller Simple us enviem una abraçada ben forta.

🎥 FRANÇAIS 🎥 Bonjour mécènes, nous espérons que vous allez bien et que tout se passe bien. Aujourd'hui, nous commençons le deuxième tour de financement participatif. Dans le premier, nous avons obtenu 7 000 euros de 97 co-financiers. MERCI BEAUCOUP POUR VOTRE GÉNÉROSITÉ! Avec cela nous avons pu financer les dépenses que nous avions prévues, nous vous les transmettrons.

Le bilan est très positif, nous sommes épuisés mais très heureux et impatients de commencer le montage. Cependant, nous avons eu beaucoup de difficultés : nous avons dû tourner une semaine supplémentaire, une nuit nous nous sommes fait voler le groupe électrogène que nous avions loué… Bref, nous avons dépassé notre budget…. Donc, nous allons préparer une bonne campagne pour essayer d'obtenir plus de financement dans les 40 prochains jours. Nous en avons besoin pour rembourser les dettes et pour la post-production et la diffusion du court métrage. Nous vous tiendrons informés.

Vous trouverez ici joint une galerie de photos du tournage afin que vous puissiez voir ce que nous avons fait.

Robert et toute l'équipe d'Aller Simple vous embrassent.

🎥 CASTELLANO 🎥 Buenos días mecenas, esperamos que estéIS bien y que todo vaya bien. Hoy empezamos la segunda ronda del crowdfunding. En la primera hemos conseguido 7.000 euros clavados de 97 cofinanciadores/as. ¡GRACIAS INFINITAS POR VUESTRA GENEROSIDAD! Con esto hemos podido financiar los gastos que teníamos previstos, ya os los pasaremos desglosados.

El balance es muy positivo, estamos exhaustos pero muy contentos y con muchas ganas de empezar el montaje. Sin embargo, hemos tenido muchas dificultades: hemos tenido que rodar una semana adicional, una noche nos robaron el equipo electrógeno que habíamos alquilado ... Total, se nos ha disparado mucho el presupuesto... Por eso, ahora nos pondremos las pilas para hacer una buena campaña y tratar de conseguir más financiación en los 40 días que aún nos quedan. Lo necesitamos para saldar deudas y para la post-producción y difusión del corto. Ya os mantendremos informados.

Os adjuntamos una galería de fotos del rodaje para que veáis que hemos estado haciendo.

Robert y todo el equipo de Aller Simple os mandamos un fuerte abrazo.

🎥 ENGLISH 🎥 Good morning everyone, we hope you are doing great. Today we begin the second round of our crowdfunding. In the first we got 7,000 euros from 97 co-financiers. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR GENEROUSITY! With this we have been able to finance the expenses we intended.

The balance is very positive, we are exhausted but very happy and looking forward to start editing. However, we had a lot of difficulties: we had to shoot an extra week, one night someone stole the generator we had rented… So, our expenses have skyrocketed…. So, bottom line is that we're preparing a good campaign to get more funding in the next 40 days. We need it to pay off debts and for the post-production and distribution of the film. We will keep you informed.

We’ve attached a photo gallery of the shooting so you can see what we’ve been doing.

Robert and the whole Aller Simple team send you a big hug.

🎥 ITALIANO 🎥 Buongiorno sostenitore, speriamo che stiate bene e che vada tutto bene. Oggi iniziamo il secondo round di crowdfunding. Nella prima abbiamo ricevuto 7.000 euro da 97 cofinanziatori. GRAZIE MILLE PER LA VOSTRA GENEROSITÀ! Con questo abbiamo potuto finanziare le spese che avevamo programmato, ve le passeremo.

Il bilancio è molto positivo, siamo stanchi ma molto contenti e non vediamo l'ora di iniziare il montaggio. Tuttavia, abbiamo avuto molte difficoltà: abbiamo dovuto girare una settimana in più, una notte siamo stati derubati del generatore che avevamo affittato… In totale, abbiamo speso più di quanto volevamo…. Quindi, prepareremo una buona campagna per ottenere più finanziamenti nei prossimi 40 giorni. Ne abbiamo bisogno per saldare i debiti e per la post-produzione e diffusione del corto. Vi informeremo.

Vi lasciamo foto delle riprese così potete vedere cosa abbiamo fatto.

Robert e tutto il team di Aller Simple vi mandiamo un grande abbraccio.


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